Cambridge Truck
5640 Glenn Hwy, Cambridge, OH
(740) 255-5200
Open 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Open from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Get trade-in value

Your trade-in is worth more at Cambridge Truck

We take ALL trade-ins, not just trucks! Cars, motorcycles, side-by-sides, ATVs ... even ride-on mowers.

Still owe money on your trade-in? That’s no problem at Cambridge Truck. We’ll manage your pay-off.

Your trade-in reduces the price of your new truck & lowers your monthly payment. That’s more cash in your pocket.

A trade-in gives you more financing options. When your down payment goes up, more lenders want to work with you.

We make it so easy! Use our easy online appraisal tool and see how much your trade-in is worth.


Vehicle Information1 / 4

Get started by entering your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), make and model, or your license plate.

History & Condition2 / 4
Photos (Optional)3 / 4
Contact Information4 / 4
Confirmation5 / 4

Check out our selection of cars, trucks and SUVs